Sunday, January 16, 2011

He Will Not Turn You Away

In Luke 7:36-50, we read the story of the sinful woman. Now, Scripture does not tell us what makes her a sinful woman, but then again, we are all sinners so it doesn't really matter. All sin is a rebellion against God - it is a debt none of us can pay. It doesn't matter what the sin is or how big or small we think it is. We are no better than this woman.

Apparently her reputation is known, but when she hers that Jesus is having dinner at a Pharisee's home, she decides to 'crash the party.' Now, this is a big scandal. She is certainly not welcome at the Pharisee's home, much less dinner. Perhaps you have felt the same way. Yet, there she is. The woman comes to Jesus and weeps.

You see, Jesus attracts and welcomes sinners who come in humility and repentance. Jesus knew exactly who she was and He knows exactly who we are. There is no hiding from the Son of God. But as the story shows us, while others may reject us, Jesus will not.

When others reject us, we can always come to Christ in humility. The sinful woman, demonstrates that if you come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness with all your heart, He will not turn you away.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Your True Worth

One day a man walked into a thrift store and purchased what he thought was a replica of the Declaration of Independence. The purchase price? $2.48. Unknown at that time, was that this was no replica. It was one of only 200 copies of the Declaration of Independence that John Quincy Adams had made. It's real value? One-half Million dollars.

You see, this copy was undervalued. Perhaps in your life, you have been undervalued too. Perhaps many times. By many people. You may even believe it yourself.

You've been called names.
You've been rejected.
You've been ignored.
You've been mistreated.

And just like that copy of the Declaration of Independence, people have no idea of what you are worth.

But someone knows - God knows.

In a moment of time, God sent His Son, born as a man, to pay the penalty for your sins. John 3:16 reads, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Today, as we approach Christmas, we realize that Christmas is not lights and trees and presents. Christmas is God's gift to you - all you need to do is accept the gift.

You Are Worth It

Far too often we are not valued by others. We've been called names. We've been rejected. We've been ignored. We've been mistreated. Perhaps this has happened so often, that you have begun to believe it yourself. People have no idea of how much you are worth.

But there is someone who knows exactly how much you are worth - God.

You see, in a moment of time, God came down from heaven, born as a man to pay the penalty for yours and my sins. In John 3:16-17 we read, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." That is how much you are worth.

As the holidays draw near and we think of lights and trees and presents, do not forget what happened that Christmas day two thousand years ago. God showed His love for you by sending Jesus. This is God's gift to you. And all you need to do is accept the gift.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

God Knows Your Potential

We first meet Saul (later known as Paul) at the stoning of Stephen (Acts 7). Then in Acts 8 we read that Saul 'Saul approved of their killing him'. Later in Acts 9, we find Saul again 'still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.' Saul has in his hands 'arrest warrants' for which he intends to round up all Christians.

However, during his journey to Damascus, Saul is surrounded by a bright light - the glory of God. Saul encounters Jesus face-to-face. This same Saul is now given a new job - instead of persecuting Christians, Saul is to take the message of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

You see, we can never be sure of who God will call. We can never really know what God is doing, or may do in someone's life. You may not know, but God does. And He knows your potential - God knows the plans for you. After all, God knew you when you were in your mother's womb.

Saul was a proud, murderous Pharisee intent on crushing all Christians. No one could have been more unlikely to be used by God, yet Saul was chosen to deliver the Gospel message and became perhaps the greatest evangelist of all time.

God is perfectly capable of using anyone - including you.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jesus, Our Advocate

Stephen was one of seven men selected to be the first church 'deacons.' Stephen is described as a man 'full of God's grace and power.' As Stephen shared the Gospel message, he is met with intense opposition. Stephen is falsely accused of blasphemy and brought before the Sanhedrin. During the trial, as his accusers looked at Stephen, they saw the face of an angel - the very reflection of God. (Acts 6-7).

The council was furious and gnashed their teeth. Stephen was brought outside to be stoned. Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit gazed into Heaven and saw the Glory of God.

But take note - Stephen saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Jesus was not sitting, He was standing. Jesus stood up for Stephen as his advocate.

You see, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. And if Jesus is not your advocate, if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you stand alone.

For Stephen, Jesus stood as his advocate. And Jesus will do that for you too. All you need to do is believe that Jesus died for your sins and that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9).

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saved From the Mine

Last month the world watched as 33 miners, trapped over 2,000 feet below ground, were successfully rescued. The result of a collapsed mine, the 33 men were trapped for over 60 days while crews drilled a shaft wide enough to lower a metal capsule by which the men could be raised to the surface.

During the time the men were trapped, they were separated from friends, from family and their loved ones. Sin in our lives is like being trapped in that collapsed mine. Sin results in us being separated from God. And just like the miners, we cannot rescue ourselves. The miners could not dig their way out of the mine. They needed help from above. In our sinful state, we are unable to rescue ourselves. No amount of work will raise us to the surface and get us right with God. Instead we need help from above.

Our help comes In Jesus Christ. Sent by God to take the punishment for our sins, Jesus is the only way out of the collapsed mine that is our sinfulness. And just like the miners, who to be rescued need to get into the metal capsule, we need to grabbed onto Christ to be saved. For the miners, the capsule was the only way and to not climb in would mean dying in the mine. For us, Jesus is the only way and to not accept Him as Lord and Savior, means to die in our sins. To die in our sins means to spend eternity separated from God.

The capsule has arrived, Jesus has come to take the punishment for your sins. But you must hold on to Jesus. Your life depends upon it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Repent or Perish

In Luke 13, Jesus tells us about the Tower at Siloam which fell and killed 18 people. Jesus asks the question, "do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?" Jesus then answers His question, "I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

There are some who believe that disaster is the result of sin. Consider Job and his three friends. When disaster struck Job, his friends were certain it was due to some sin that Job had committed.

Jesus, in His response, tells us that no one is mo of a sinner than any other. We are all sinners and Jesus calls us to repent - otherwise we will perish, just like the people at Siloam. However this is not just a physical death. This is a spiritual death - complete separation from God for eternity.

We are all facing death and what we learn from the people at Siloam, is that you may not have time to repent. So you must repent now. To delay will mean to perish.